Monday, December 16, 2013

Minneapolis Website Design: Testimonial For Mankato Web Desi

Minneapolis Website Design: Testimonial For Mankato Web Desi: Mankato Web Design provides custom professional websites including website design, ecommerce, wordpress, blog and mobile sites. Our websites are easy to manage, update, integrated CMS and more. Call us today at 612-558-1020 and let us prepare your success.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Minneapolis SEO

Mistake 1 – Know Who You’re Hiring As An “Minnesota SEO Expert”

Anyone out there can claim to know how to work Google/Yahoo/MSN to get your website to the top but remember that the internet is a worldwide competitive environment and ‘keywords’ alone will not get you to the top.

Some SEO companies might guarantee you ranking results or use unethical methods that will ultimately hurt your rankings on the search engines. If you hire the wrong SEO firm, this can cost you big time as you will have to hire over and over again until you get someone who can get you to the top.

An SEO company that guarantees rankings on the search engines is doing one of two things. They are lying and will take your money and run (because no SEO company owns the search engines) or they take your money and put it into a pay per click campaign while pocketing a percentage of it for themselves. A good example of the pay per click example are phone book companies that offer internet advertising. We’ve spoken to dozens of companies that have had this experience.

Pay per click campaigns are expensive and your money will dry up quick whereas organic search engine optimization is expensive in the beginning but the results last a long time. Some competitive keywords for some industries can be as much as $100 per click.

Ask an SEO company for examples of their work. Understand that if they optimize a company called “” for the search phrase “Minnesota Dentist” this is an extremely easy SEO result that almost anyone could do. Ask them for challenging examples and big result examples.

See if you can find your SEO company on the search engines. Type in “Minnesota Web Design” or “Minneapolis Web Design” when looking locally. If they aren’t on the first page of results for themselves, how can you expect them to do the same for you!

Request references – give someone a call that your SEO expert claims they’ve helped. Don’t always rely on their word alone. We would gladly provide you a list of client’s we’ve helped.

Mistake 2 – Know What Keyword To Target

Your web designer is not an SEO expert in your field without proper research. Ask them how they are going to get you new business. Anyone can “guess” what keywords will drive new customers to your website and anyone can drive traffic to your website but the RIGHT traffic from the right visitors is what you want.

Someone that will buy something or call for information that will ultimately lead to a sale.

Mistake 3 – Web Design & SEO Are Two Different Disciplines

Web designers focus on the aesthetics and the brand for a website. Search engine optimization specialists focus on designing a website that will rank well on the search engines, convert visitors into buyers, and gain new customers who are interested in making a purchase or calling for more information. SEO can take 10 to 40 hours to do correctly and there are many variables to properly optimizing a website.

On average, SEO companies will charge $45 to $150 an hour. If you believe an “SEO Expert” offering services for $50 or some ridiculously low price are worth it, steer clear! Unless the economy allows for someone to work 10 to 40 hours on your website’s search engine optimization and make $50 (or about a couple of dollars an hour before taxes) then you need a real SEO company!

Many of these low budget optimization “specialists” will simply change a keyword tag on your homepage and then call it a day.

Mistake 4 – Traffic Is One Thing, Conversions Are Another

Some business owners focus on getting traffic without remembering the basics of marketing and management which include turning a potential customer into a customer. A properly optimized website will bring traffic no doubt and an SEO expert can do the research to bring qualified traffic. Only an SEO expert web designer can build a site that does all this but also turns potential customers into customers by focusing on the experience.

Your web designer is an expert in what they do and if they want you to provide certain marketing materials, information, or materials for your website…. give it to them! They need it to help turn your website into something that will work for you. Your website needs to be convincing about your products, services, incentives, and make it an overall pleasing experience.

Give us a call at (612) 558-1020 to talk one on one with a web design and optimization professional.

Handling Criticism

If you’re ever been in one of those situations in which someone in the business setting was looking to give you a first full of constructive (or counter-constructive) criticism you are commonly better off not apologizing for your actions.

It is important to remember that we all say and do the things we do with confidence. When another criticizes our actions, we commonly resort to apologies. People in higher power status positions then our own create a sense of dominance over us.

We also accept almost all criticisim from those in higher positions with a sense that they must be right. Instead of immediately apologizing here if the proper way to handle constructive criticism.

- “Thank you for your feedback!”

- “I appreciate your concern and I will take your suggestions into consideration!”

- “Thank you for your comment!”

Burrowing A Deeper Hole

When you’re criticized, rather than stumbling on your words it is often better to first thank the person. Overexplaining, excuses, apologies, and changing the subject will land you in even more trouble. Admit your faults while retaining that sense of your best possible foot moving forward. When an apology is over, let it be over. Don’t resort to bringing up an argument or fault of your own days, weeks, or months down the road to put blame somewhere else.

Turning The Attention Around

When you’re stuffed with criticism, turn around and thank the person and follow it up by saying “Thank You, it looks like I can learn a great deal from you.”

Asking For Help

When you need help on something, simply ask for it. If you cannot find it from your superior, then find a close friend. Even if you’ve already made an error, being a human and admitting your faults should not keep you from asking for help. It will be for the benefit of the company, your boss, and yourself for not hiding the problem under the desk.

Putting It All Together

All of the responses above are much better responses to constructive criticism than simply saying “I’m sorry”. Many people out there might remember when they were children and your teacher would follow up your apology with “I’m sorry just won’t cut it mister!” I was a trouble maker when I was young. As I grew older and learned tips like this, I could get myself out of any jam. Hopefully this tip will help you succeed in business and leverage out the confidence perceptions your managers have of you.

Mankato Web Design Corp. is a Minneapolis web design and Minneapolis online marketing company. Matthew Peschong is the owner and operator of all related activities.

Company Branding and Client Gifts

Get in the know. Company branding and client gift realities explained.

You know why Dear Ol’ Dad doesn’t want a tie for Father’s Day? Because theres nothing unique about that gift and it doesn’t make him feel appreciated!

How can you make your business clients feel appreciated and expand your referral marketing capacity? Unique gifts with ‘off the wall’ messages that make a person feel special and remember your name or company. My industry is Web Site Design and SEO but you can do the same ‘tricks’ in any industry.Upon completion of one of my clients web sites I sent a special letter filled with something extra for all their involvement in the design project. I mailed one of my clients a box with a company engraved travel mug and a $30 gift certificate towards Starbucks with a letter enclosed. The title of the letter was the most powerful part of the entire thing, “Filler Er’ Up And Take A Break On Us!” The letter went on to say that the project was completed, the ball is rolling, and we wish them nothing but success. If they had any questions they should contact us immediately.

It’s professional, reciprocal, and unique all in the same way. It will help you client remember you, much more than a pen engraved with your name on it, and no one receives something without giving something in return. Keeping YOU and YOUR generosity in the clients mind will deliver more clients to you through word of mouth referrals. If you project your generosity in just a little way, you can turn around and make huge profits in the long run.

Company branding on your special gifts can work too. Take for instance your project is ongoing and you want to keep your client appreciated. Send them an alarm or desk clock with your company name engraved right below the dial. How often do you check the clock? They’ll see your company name everyday. Add a phone number too. When your client is on the phone with someone and a friend asks a recommendation on a company, your client will see the clock and recommend you! They won’t have to dig through old business cards or contact lists to find your information. It’s right there!

If you’re real bold and know your client well enough you can always try a beer mug!

Contact our Minnesota Web Design and Minneapolis SEO company today for a free consultation at 612-558-1020.